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Podlife Challenge Kick Off

podlife challenge

I’m so excited for you to start the Podlife Challenge! I’ll keep you updated as the program rolls out! If you haven’t registered yet to get the email updates from the program, go to You will get your first email lesson within 72 hours… if not email me and I’ll resend!

Make sure you add to your email contacts so the challenge emails go to you inbox instead of spam!

Brandon Birkmeyer

(If you’d like to know more about me, click here)

For now, here are some quick next steps to get you started…

Step 1 – Listen

Brands on Brands on Brands | with Brandon Birkmeyer

Listen to the Brands On Brands on Brands podcast episode #070 titled “Anyone Can Podcast“.  We talk about why everyone should start a podcast today to grow your reputation, authority, and influence. Plus you’ll get to know me a little better and start to understand why getting started is the only thing holding you back from the life you deserve.

Listen to the Podcast

Step 2 – Share

You know other people who have talked about starting a podcast, building their reputation, and leveling up their authority… tap below to share the Podlife Challenge with them.


Step 3 – Follow

Follow me on Instagram and you can see my podcast journey and stories from others living that #PODLIFE.  Connect and share your journey.

Follow Brandon

Step 4 – Screenshot

Screenshot the calendar in this image below and get started today!